Everyone wants to be rich. That's a fact. No matter how often you hear people say "money is the root of all evil" or "I'm not interested in money" or the most common "I'm contented with what i have. i can't ask for more."
I'm guilty of the last statement myself. But it really is just rationalizing why i don't want to get up and do something.
I've just finished Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad
--the best selling book about "financial intelligence" that's supposedly taken the entire financial world by surprise because of its pragmatic and accurate insights on how rich and poor people differ in their approach when it comes to money. What made the book so engaging was that it had deflated my ego as a member of the wage slaves and crushed all my preconceived notions about how wealthy people's attitudes about money. Direct and oftentimes brutally honest (especially on the despicable money habits people like me are guilty of.), it was nonetheless a delight to read as it does not wander off into the Dale Carnegie
-school of sermonizing.
I think the poor and middle class have a deep envy of the wealthy that is of course no one will admit to. So we invent excuses of all types to cover up that deep insecurity of not having enough. Oftentimes it's in the guise of our very own intellectual vanity. Snide remarks are not uncommon, especially when the subjects in question are two contrasting individuals: a highly educated employee versus a high school dropout tycoon.
i think our schools have brought us up to be idealistic rather than to be pragmatic. the real world outside school instantly knocks you down to dirt-eating level before you regain your senses. i don't remember any teacher pushing us to work hard to be filthy rich, but instead to work hard because it's a nice value. to be rich is exactly why were are slaves right now.
i always wanted to be rich, eff the "revolution" everyone keeps fighting for. choice na ya maging rich ya. to hell with employment; being filthy rich entails a lot of hard work, and hard work, yeah, is a nice value. ergo, being filthy rich is nice. mwahahahahahahahaha
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