The critics.Those mindless, uptight, artsfy-fartsy morons whose idea of a good movie is a 5-hour snoozefest average people couldn't comprehend because they're not "classy" enough to understand it. I read the reviews to amuse myself on how those know-it-all-snobs couldn't get it and found, to my regret, that most of their observations---put downs actually---were correct.
I was disappointed and hoped the next movie would be okay. Then Attack Of The Clones opened and only Yoda's lightsaber duel with Macchiavelian separatist/Sith Lord Count Dooku was memorable. That, I thought, was it. There goes the last shred of whatever childhood wonder I had for the series down the drain. But in the back of my head I was hoping Episode 3 could pull it off.
A few days before opening night I saw a copy of Time Magazine with Darth Vader on the cover. The article said it was good so I thought that could at least account for something--nearly all the reviews I read about the previews two films hardly ever used the word 'good' in them anyway. What the hell, watch it.
For me, part of the pleasure in watching the SW films is the opening drum roll for 20th Century Fox logo seguing to 'A long time a galaxy far far away..." to the opening bars of the all too familiar score by John Williams to the introductory summary of what's happening down to the panning of the camera to a spaceship or space station. So as these things were happening during the first few minutes of E3 I felt the same joy I felt while watching THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK on VHS for the nth time when i was in grade school. So about the movie. What can I say? Even if it did feel a little clunky in some parts, it wasn't the total crap I feared it will be.
The Force, though not as strong as it was, is still with me after all.
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