11:01 PM
Can't sleep. Might as well put something online. I'll try to remember what happened today.
I woke up around 6 this morning, not because I'm an early riser but because I was disturbed by the ruckus next door. At first i thought I was dreaming all of it. In the dream I was in a place that vaguely looked like one of those seedy South American countries one often sees in a James Bond
or Robert Rodriguez
-type movie and someone was screaming "PUTANGINA KA!". Of course when you're dreaming, everything makes sense. Even if some coked-out drug dealer from Columbia was screaming profanities that came from a small Catholic Ssoutheast Asian country. I must've been coming out of a deep sleep, that stage when consciousness starts to assert itself after a long rest, when the little stage play from the neighbors next door began. Mildly annoyed, I tried to cover my face with the blanket hoping to at least dull some of the noise.
I realized that was futile. When you live in a small suburban housing complex where you can hear somebody fart from the next house, blankets on the face could only add to the uncomfortable heat that is already intesifying as the sun rose amd do nothing to stop the noise. So i just sat back and listened. The wife was castigating her husband for being a good for nothing bum--and a womanizer to top it off. The guy was a litle more simplistic when he spoke: he just mouthed off putangina mo this and putangina mo that.
Their infant child's cry was the background music for the crazy, on the spot soap opera--complete with cheesy melodramatic lines like "pinagsisisihan ko ang araw na nakilala kita" or "lahat ginawa ko para sa yo tapos ito igaganti mo sa akin?". All this in full broadcasting spectacle for the listening pleasure of the entire block.
The dialogue was yet another dismal synopsis on how bad television programs in the Philippines are (soap operas, at least). Garbage in, garbage out.
Things settled after about an hour of verbal boxing. I heard the sobbing of the woman while I can inaudibly hear the man murmuring. Either to himself, or to his wife i didn't know. Probably explaining how the other woman just seduced him and there was nothing he couldn't do. "Is it my fault that I'm a chick magnet honey?"
That was the high point of my day. It's all downhill from there.
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