I was roused from a very good night's sleep at around nine this morning by a very LOUD and steady thumping from next door. The idiots were playing Master P
's "Rock It(?)" or "Rock The Boat(?)" . If there's any other hip-hop song in this world that would make me rather listen to Vanilla Ice
or that moron from Linkin Park
(it's goin' daewn!), I guess this crap with the rock the boat rock rock the boat rock-chorus that sounds "rakdaborakdaborakdaborak" would be the best reason.
I'm gonna invest on a good speaker system so that the next time something like this happens again I'll retaliate with something from a Swedish black metal band. See if they like a dose of their own medicine. I have no problem with their musical preferences, but it is their cranking the volume to astronomical levels that violates other people's privacy is where i take offense.
It's bad enough that it's loud.
But Master P?
1 comment:
hahaha! right! that stupid song should be played in the training facilities of the armes forces to hone the killer instincts of the cadets.
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