September 27, 2006

September 26, 2006

No space

Today? Nothing worth telling. I just felt like writing something and try to at least instill some life in this blog seeing the last entry was way back in June. And what is it now? September? Lord Almighty. I almost forgot--I'd be celebrating my second year in the company this Wednesday.

Big deal.

I've been alive for 27 years and I don't feel like celebrating it. If you think about it, birthdays aren't supposed to be celebrated or tagged as a reason for merrymaking. It should actually be a time for mourning. It only means you have just advanced another step to that inevitable destination all living things gravitate to the moment they were born. 


Tarzan, Ghostbusters receive revitalizing shots

The Legend Of Tarzan Having read the original origin story of the Edgar Rice Burroughs classic, I initially thought the movie was a direct...